Letters to the president of IOC 1 (국제올림픽위원회 회장님께 1)

국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 회장님께 드리는 편지 1


April 17, 2014

Figure Channel Cafe


IOC, ISU, KOC 회장님께 손편지 보내기

손편지 모으기 :2014.03.26 - 2014.04.11

발송 : 2014.04.17

Figure Channel Facebook


Letters to the presidents of IOC, ISU, and KSU (IOC, ISU, KSU 회장님께 보내는 편지,2014/03/26)











Dear Mr. Bach, the IOC president

I am a citizen of Republic of Korea, which is the host nation for the next Olympics. 

It made me interested in the Sochi Olympics more than previous ones. 

However, it was doubtful if the Sochi Olympics were world-wide festivals. 

I think you know the result of the ladies' single figure skating event. 

Winter sports fans would think that only the nations which had been chosen by the Olympics could skate figures. 

If a victory is all of Olympics, only 3 skaters would be needed for a game. 

You must know the sense of fair play and the Olympic spirit. 

If you do not rectify the incident, figure skating will remain as a sport that is only for a few nations. 

I don't think you want it. I hope you will take a measure for the Olympic spirit. 

From Korea with earnestness